About Us
Yasmin El-Samra Charitable Foundation Debra-Egypt is the only Foundation in Egypt that serves, cares, and helps Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB)
patients from birth and all ages, all genders.
Mrs. Hanaa El-Sadat is the founder after her daughter Yasmin passed away in 2012. The foundation was established in 2014 and registered
in 2018 under the umbrella of the Ministry of Social Affairs with a registration no 6473.

- Spread awareness and integrate Epidermolysis Bullosa Patients in the society.
- Support EB patients and their families with all medical supplies and knowledge.
- Alleviate their pain and draw a smile on their faces and in their lives.

A world where anyone living with EB has support to access clinical and social care specifically in Egypt, MENA regions and Arab countries.
Organize a Congress to be the first MENA region and African international EB in 2024.

- Spread awareness to EB families to prevent their children from reaching disability status as they grew older.
- Spread awareness to people everywhere to make them understand the EB disease and whenever ever or wherever they meet an EB fighter not to bully on them, but try to help and support.
- Help EB patients to have a role in the society under the umbrella of 5%handicapped.
- Help EB adults to start a small business in order to manage to depend on themselves and have their own income.
- Develop and promote best practice for EB care and increase professional knowledge of the disease.
- Try to help Arab countries having EB patients to open foundations and to be part of Debra international groups.
- Try to add Arabic language at Debra international website to make it easy for Arabic speakers to learn more about clinical knowledge and update trials on EB.
- Finally, hope for a CURE in the near future to end the pain and the suffering of an EB fighter.
Message from Hanaa El-Sadat
Dear Friends,
I am the mother of Yasmin Elsamra (1997-2012) who was born with rare skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). It is a genetic disorder with absence of COL7A1 that holds the layers of the skin together, so any slight friction can cause blisters or torn off the skin.
Yasmin lived 15 years of her life mixed with love, pain, dedication, giving, and spreading awareness of her illness with a smile on her face and a hope for recovery.
I established a charity foundation under HER name in 2014 and was registered in 2018 to focus exclusively on children suffering from EB in Egypt to lessen their pain and teach their parents how to deal and take care of them.
We also provide them with all medical supplies on a, monthly basis and cover the fees of surgeries and blood transfusion that are not covered with any medical insurance.
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SUPPORT is at its core a positive and noble outlook on the life of EB. HELP is determination of participation and a responsible commitment strengthened by financial and moral support to all EB fighters. Let us all put a smile on their pretty faces to let them feel they are not alone. Alone, we can do so little, TOGETHER, we can do so much to change the of life of an EB fighter. Finally, I would say that Yasmin my daughter left A LEGACY. Thank you to all supporters and volunteers helping in donating or serving Yasmin El Samra foundation Debra-Egypt. My warm regards Hanaa El-Sadat Chairwoman of Board of Trustees

After Yasmin passed away in 2012, I established a charity foundation in 2014 under her name because I felt that Yasmin had a mission and I should continue her mission. I registered the foundation on 2018 /6473.
I started with 20 EB cases, now in 2024, I reached over 400 cases of different genders and ages varies from simplex to recessive dystrophic EB referred to me through dermatologists and media from all over Egypt and other Arab Countries..( Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan and Syria).

Yasmin's Message
My name is Yasmin ElSamra, I was born in 1997, I am Egyptian.
My mother Hanaa ElSadat and I prepared this website so that I can tell you all about my life and the things I did. My mother will also tell you about our experience with Epidermolysis Bulllosa (EB), a rare skin disease I was born with that caused severe problems with my skin. Very few people have this disease and that is why not many parents know about it, especially about how to deal with it. It is a lot of effort but my mum and I do not let it stop me from having fun and doing the things that are good for me.